Making Sure We Don’t Get Snakebit!

Hello everyone, all is well with the men and the project “Casa Del Camino”. The guys continue to rid the property of poisonous snakes as our fence has been completed in total, the sea wall is complete and the four chamber septic system is finished!  Praise God for all He has been doing behind the scene.  As I have included in our newsletter that was recently mailed out, we have begun work on a well tower, a clothes washing pila below the well tower and a bathroom with shower adjacent; all being built as a single structure.  Here are a few pictures of the progress:

The plan is, God willing, for me to return to Puerto Lempira the end of January.  I plan to stay four weeks, during which if monies are available, we will drill a 75′ deep well with a submersible pump that will provide for a good clean water source.  (I will most definitely have extra Dediacol pills with me in case it is not clean water 😅).  Along with the $3500 well drilling cost (pump included) we will need to purchase a 1350 gallon water storage tank for the well tower and nessesary plumbing to complete bath/shower and water transfer.  At the completion of these things property infrastructure will be complete and we will be ready to start work on the home “Casa Del Camino”.  🤗👍🏻

As we come to one of our favorite times of the year, let us believe and receive all God has intended for us.

“That Christ may make His home in your hearts by faith…”     Ephesians 3:17.

” Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…”  Colossians 3:17

Thank you Father for Your word and truths, we give you thanks for our families and friends Lord, we ask for strength and healing over our loved ones who are suffering and give You all glory and honor for allowing us to rest in You.  God, we thank you and give you all praise and thanksgiving for what Jesus did for us on the cross and for allowing us to be a part of furthering Your kingdom on earth.  And all God’s people said…..                                               


Thank you for reading,


All donations to construction fund 100% tax deductible