
This just in from the boarders of Honduras, It’s A Good Day to Be A Christian.

Marshal Law is a reminder to me of Who is really in charge. Radio silent no more. March 16 Juan Hernandez, the Honduran president ordered marshal law, suspending many of the people’s rights, imposing curfews, closing stores, banks and gas station while revoking the right to freedom of expression without censorship. So the newspaper, La Prensa has not been available.

February 3rd La Casa del Camino was off to a wonderful new school year with five returning boys (Arnold, Jerbin, Marco, Morfy and Coby) and four new boys (Job, two brothers, Shelby and Arnol and lastly, Erik)

From Left: Marco, Morfy, Job, Eric and Coby

From Left: Arnol, Jerbin, Arnold and Shelby

After four weeks of school all the boys were off to an exceptional start and we were really feeling as if we were prepared for a great year! Then came the news of Coronavirus and the closing of school. Initially it was for one week then quickly rose to two weeks and then again to one month. Not certain of what was coming or going on, we started preparing for this time that we are now experiencing. We have a small supply of food, and are thanking God for the new freezer we purchased when coming back through Roatan this year. Last week after a week of no school, some of the boys were getting restless and started talking of going back to the situations that they came, not sure if it was the thought of helping the extended families or the freedom that comes with not being cared for? Coby, Erik, Arnold and Job all asked to go be with their family’s. We did our best to explain to them that their best interest was to stay here at La Casa Del Camino, but at eighteen and twenty years old we can’t force them to stay here. We shared with them that this was an uncertain time and that if they left they could not come back until school reopened and that it’s already gone from one week to a month and could possibly change again? We also tried to explain that their moms or aunts didn’t have the ability to provide for them for an extended period. No matter, they were going to go anyway. That was a bit painful for Lisa and myself pouring into these young men that have decided if they weren’t in school they rather not stay with us. The difficult situation for me here is the level of loyalty some of these kids have for the family unit that has done very little, if any to provide for them, yet they feel obligated to go help in someway if they aren’t in school. I guess that is kind of a good thing right? Now that we are under marshal law they surely are not running the streets but we are still concerned about their well being as food supplies can become scarce in a matter of a couple days. I haven’t gotten any answer when reaching out to Island Shipping, (their boat Coasta lll brings most supplies weekly) most likely signaling that they too, have been forced to close. Things getting a little tougher in an already tough place.

Where can we find peace in all the uncertainty we are all experiencing these days? There is no fate or blind chance with God. “We have received an inheritance in Him, predestined according to the purpose of the one who works out everything in agreement with the decision of His will.” (Ephesians 1:11 HCSB). God works all things according to His will.

(Isaiah 14:24 HCSB) The Lord of hosts has sworn:

“As I have purposed, so it will be; as I have planned it, so it will happen.”

In these times I am finding that, what I need most is to reflect on God’s sovereignty. When I can’t see Him at work in all this, it is then that I must trust in “His” plan, “His” goodness and “His” faithfulness in our lives, to work out all things for good, both His and ours. Our faith, His grace and His peace in His plans only comes through by His help. Our sharing of faith with one another and our intercessory prayer for one another are the things that will encourage each other to remain strong in our faith.

As we have stopped all work projects at La Casa Del Camino. Before this Marshal Law order, I have been taking the boys out for a evening run or bike ride just before dark, to get off the property and exercise while away from the public. Since the lockdown we have installed a 100′ zipline, a 60′ slack line (tightrope) and a 50′ ninja line for the boys to play on building strength and coordination. Our days as of late consist of clearing 1500′ of fence line, making it easier to spot the ladrons (thieves) if and when they were to come. Prayer, Resting, devotions, exercise, foosball, Monopoly Deal, Sorry, Risk, Yahtzee, Quirkle, Crazy Rummy you name it we’ve most likely played it! I think one of the funnest was rock, paper, scissors when losers faces get put in pillow of flour! Lol!

Libertad (Freedom) brought to you by Highlands Community Church Red Sock Offering. Thank you Highlands! The boys are grateful for the bikes, extra uniforms and tennis shoes!

The global impact of COVID-19 is unfathomable and devastating on so many levels. Certainly every life on the globe has been touched in one way or another. Don’t be crippled by a constraining fear of this pandemic. David has this to say about his deliverance, notice from ALL! of his fears.I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.” (Psalms 34:4 HCSB)

The Lord’s promise to us in (Proverbs 1:33 HCSB) “But whoever listens to me will live securely and be free from the fear of danger.” God’s desire for you and me in this time of peril is displayed in (Mark 4:39,40 HCSB) He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Silence! Be still!” The wind ceased,and there was great calm. Then He said to them, “Why are you fearful? Do you still have no faith?” What is our Lord saying to you today?

AS OF MARCH 23rd we have not heard of any Coronavirus cases reported in Puerto Lempira and with the no fly restrictions in place, and no roads to get here, if it’s not here already, it may not get here. Though all of our goods are shipped in from La Cieba where there have been several cases reported.

Streets normally filled with people, empty today when I went out on a scouting mission for food. Good news was able to find three chickens!!

Jesus never told us life would be perfect or even easy so when we find ourselves in a moment of weakness may we truly seek Him; the only one with the power to save and ask for faith like Abraham or Daniel and to give us a hope like Moses and the heart of David.

Thank you for your faithful giving and lifting us in prayer. We are grateful for you to be an important part of La Casa Del Camino Ministry, serving these boys and the people of La Moskitia. We love you and miss you. We will continue praying for us all to remain in God’s will in each of our lives, regardless of the cost. May He keep you and bless you greatly,

In Him,

Mike (and Lisa too)

13 thoughts on “This just in from the boarders of Honduras, It’s A Good Day to Be A Christian.

  1. Dear Friends. I am praying for courage and peace to prevail in your leadership of the boys during these uncertain times. I pray for your cup to overflow and all your family’s needs to be met. We love you and think of you often.
    “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬


  2. I just now read your blog that Dale forwarded to us. Our prayers are with you & the boys. It is unbelievable what you are going through right now but we are praying & thanking God for keeping you well & safe through it all. Thanks for keeping us informed! I loved the video of you playing games with the boys and all the laughter. They are blessed to have you both giving them your love and care during these hard times. Love, Linda


  3. Great update; I wish I was there with ya’ll, but God’s plan is always best. Perhaps God will provide a way in the future. I will continue praying for ya’ll. Much love in Jesus– Peter


  4. May The Lord bless you all with his spirit and strength to see though these times! May he bless you to have enough of what you NEED! God is our refuge!!
    I pray each day for you two and all our there with you!
    God Bless
    Love you

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello ! Praying for you all and hope that supplies etc arrive soon. I know your resourceful and also pressing in during the hard times. We want to see comfort for you and strength, encouragement during the times when the vats are empty. ( when or if it comes) I’m hoping we all will see like the widow when her jars were filled with oil.But if not we will praise Him no matter what!….on another note I’m sorry the guys felt the need to go home I hope you get a good report of how maybe they will help others . Your ministry has touched them.


    • We have spoken by phone with two of the boys they are expressing interest in coming back but we agreed that they will return as school is reopened. That date is still pending. We will let you know as we do.


  6. Dear Mike and Lisa,

    Your email is so thorough and informative. We are thinking and praying for you both for the continuation of Puerto Limpera being virus free and for the ship to arrive.

    Along with prayer, I wish for more we could do. Please let us know if there is anything. We love all of you.

    Don & Mom Rita


  7. Great and encouraging post! Praying for you and for the boys….for all of them, the ones who went home, and the ones who stayed! May the Lord continue to calm the seas “inside” while we wait for Him to calm the storm on the outside!!! Love you!
    John and Georgie


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