Prime Candidates

This is four of five boys that I personally have seen grow in the last four years that I know would be perfect candidates for a boys home, to nurture and guide them as they furthered their educations, guiding them in a life rich in the love of Jesus, helping to allow them to see and dream of a future they could attain.  From left to right: Marco, Jerbin, Errias, Tony; they are all between the ages of 13-14 years old and in forth and fifth grades.

Friday after Pat and I staked out the corner columns  for the house foundation,image we stopped by House of Hope to deliver some baby items and crib bedding and to see the kids and babies. I am happy to report, most all are doing well and were happy to see us. I was saddened to see one of Lisa’s favorites, we will call him baby “N”, is having some medical issues that are being addressed.image I am glad to have gotten to see baby “N” and would like to ask for prayers if it be God’s will, for urgency and healing to come upon this helpless, innocent, loved baby of God.

After we had a chance to spend some time in the nursery with the babies we were able to take some of the older boys swimming at our hotel, they had never been swimming in a pool before this. We had a great time playing Marco Polo, seeing who could swim the farthest under water, doing crazy dives and flips and just allowing them to be boys and have fun doing something they don’t normally get to do. After we all had our fill of swimming we realized how hungry we had become so we then walked to a small place to eat.  We had fried chicken over a bed of cabbage and fried plantains drizzled with mayonnaise and catchup – and we were able to catch a little bit of tv entertainment with Jim Carry as The Mask! It was great to hear them all laugh and joke with each other.

Before long, I realized we needed to get two of the boys back to HOH so as Pat walked back to the hotel, I jumped in the front seat of the taxi, the four boys piled into the back seat and we were off to HOH first, then Jerbin got dropped off were he stays and Marco at his place, now all I had to do was get back into town. Easier said than done!  Maybe a mile later the taxi driver had gotten his taxi completely high centered on a rutty road with both tires spinning freely in sloppy wet Honduran mud!  It was pitch black out, and not completely able to communicate in their language I decided to call my friend Osiris Sanchez. Within 15 minutes he showed up on his motorcycleta, took one look and saw his bike was not the right tool for the job and road back to HOH and got the 4×4. When he arrived back at the slough we saw another problema, the chassis was completely stuck in the mud with nowhere to tie a tow rope, so we then began to disassemble the taxi’s grill and front bumper.  Once that was removed we could fasten the rope.

After the car was freed and we re-assembled the bumper and grill the taxi driver asked me to get in and he would take me home; Osiris would have none of that and he let the driver know he had taken me far enough and that he would get me home.  I was back at the hotel around 9pm.  Thank you Lord for surrounding me with good friendships.  I am truely blessed to have people I know I can count on anytime, any reason, any place.

Saturday, Pat and I got to sleep in a little.  Although our hotel has a pool and a/c, which stayed on most nights until midnight when the power goes out, then the room heats up very quickly and we are unable to sleep past 6:30-7am, so we start the day with a cold shower.  And did I mention, the hotel’s wifi that never worked! That is the reason for no blogging the past three nights.  Sorry.  So, Saturday we got up and had coffee. We had asked Alex, Chuck and Osiris, to get together as I wanted to go over the plans for the house that my friend/retired architect drew up for me using my sketches.image  I had asked to meet around 11 am, so we could look at the plans then have lunch. Well at 11:30 I started calling the guys to remind them of our plans and we were gathered by noon.  When in Honduras it is like many other third world countries where time is an irrelevant thing.  No problem.  Mostly this was a meeting to share and discuss what we are aiming to accomplish here, to give a little clearer vision.  Almost a team building opportunity and I wanted to get Alex’s thoughts on the size and scope, making sure it fit the need and would not be over built for the area. Alex then agreed the vision was a commendable one and that if he had do his place all over, it would more closely compare to what we want to do in this project.

After lunch Pat and I decided we would enjoy spending some more time wth the boys so we got permission to take one of the HOH boys along with Jerbin and Marcos with us. As God would have it three was just the right amount due to the fact we only have two bicycles and I’m not sure how I could have fit a third boy on my bike!

We got to show them the progress on the property.  None of them had seen the fence, the gates, the sea wall, the beginning of the septic system, where the well will be, and the well tower and pila for washing clothes will be, along with a bathroom and a shower for the yard, plus where the house will be built.

imageAs you can imagine they were quite excited to see “their” place being built with the understanding that they must continue to do well in school in order to be candidates for furthering their education at IVA. (Please learn more about the IVA school at Later that evening we were out at the property with our friend Walter and his daughter, Osiris, and another friend Willie (who works for Habitat for Humanity).  While showing them the progress we got caught in a Honduran down pour and we all huddled under the shelter of the watchie.image

Sunday we went to church with Jerbin and Marco then took them to breakfast. We got to expound on the good news of the gospel and they were eager to hear.

Proverbs 11:25 “He that waters shall be watered also himself”

After breakfast with the boys we noticed Jerbin was still wearing the pair of shoes I had brought down for the boys over a year ago, so we decided to take them to get a new pair of shoes.  We then stopped back at HOH to talk about baby “N” before heading out to the property where we sat at the waters edge and read a little Matthew 9:27-31 and some in depth commentary.image

We have only everything to be thankful for, humbled to understand that without Him I could do nothing.

Today is now Monday and we moved hotels as my usual hotel, Yu-Baiwan, had a room open up for us.   So tonight you can all rest assured we are safe and securely bedded down with a US Marines attachment also based here at the hotel.  They are here to build a school and help do some much needed work on the hospital.  If you ask me I think there may be a bit more to the story as this area is one of the most heavily trafficked cocaine distributors in the world.   Regardless, after making acquaintances with several of our service men I must admit it feels good knowing we the Americans are down here militarily to help out – we don’t get to hear much of the good stuff on our media. Why is that?

As we prepared to ride today I noticed the extra weight on the bike the day before was a bit much as my rear tire was bulging from the rim, so we spent the noon hour with my friends at the bike shop who helped me replace a broken rear derailleur the time I was through here – all for the grand total of three dollars then, and this time it was only $7 for a Knobby tire and intertube.

Bicycles are surely the affordable mode of transportation here in Puerto Lempira.  I received word that our cyclone fencing is made but it missed being delivered to the port in La Cieba  making the expected delivery date to the property to be moved out to Sept. 4-5? More of that “time is irrelevant” thing.  So I am working on getting materials for the well tower, pila and bathroom,  delivered along with the galvanized tube to build a frame to be wrapped in razor wire -it’s $500 more than 3/8″ rebar but will not rust.  Pat has been working on a spread sheet for the house footings, columns and floor, so I feel our time thus far has been a gift of God.

Tonight one of our issues was to find our night time watchie a good flashlight and after finding every possible hardware, I know them all, four in total – we were told by Cenna the lady who owns YU-Baiwan, about a newer solar store that might be able to help.  After going there and much discussion with Gabby the owner of El Solara, we went into the back and brought out a four battery led Rayovac covered in dust. Following some haggling we got her down to 1350 lempiras.  That had to be the most expensive “foco” in all La Moskitia. Thank you brother, I’m sure Aldolfo, our watchie is enjoying it as I write.

In closing, please pray for our dear friend Katrina (former director of HOH) who underwent another operation in her battle with a brain tumor today.  Praying for God to be glorified and thanking Him for all she continues to do in His names sake.image

5 thoughts on “Prime Candidates

  1. Oh mike,, I can’t wait till I get to go with you!! I’m so excited!! Put me in coach!! I need to get me a bike… God is good!! The Lord ROCKS!! Those boys look so happy!! God Bless.. Love you brother


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